Chambres d'Hôtes B&B, Les Fraysses, Cahors, France
Local Attractions

Lots to see, Lots to do

Vineyard in Constans
truffle market, Lalbenque
Cyaniris semiargus
in the church of the St. Pierre abbey, Marchilhac-sur-Célé
Polygonia c-album
walk along the 'chemin de halage'
market at Cahors
on the road to B&B Maison Les Fraysses
Macroglossum stellatarum
rooftop in Saint-Cirq Lapopie
walk to Saint-Cirq-Lapopie
l'oulerie at Uzech-les-Oules
le Rocher des Aigles

Culture, nature, history, adventure, gastronomy, a choice for each and every one.  Almost all attractions of the department can be reached in less than an hour from Les Fraysses B&B.


We recommend that you begin with the Mediaeval town of Cahors, which is almost a city on an island, as it is nearly completely surrounded by a meander in the river. The majestic Pont Valentré, and the beautiful Saint Etienne cathedral are Unesco world heritage sites and well worth a visit.  On Wednesdays and Saturdays you find a lively market in front of the cathedral.  Take a walk along the "Jardins secrets"; these small thematic village gardens show you the most extraordinary places in Cahors.  Or make a boattrip on the river and have a different view on the town and learn more on the rivers' fascinating history.

Saint-Cirq-Lapopie lies high above the river Lot at about 30 km from Cahors.  It was choosen the most beautifull village of France in 2012.   Take a walk through the village, and enjoy its special atmosphere.

The "Chemin de Halage" is a tow path, carved into the rocks.  In earlier times the barques were towed here upsteam by manpower.  An easy and most beautifull walk brings you from Bouziès  through the chemin de halage, past a lock, to Saint-Cirq-Lapopie along the riverbank and back through the forest.

The "Gouffre de Padirac" is an impressive cave (the biggest "gouffre" in France).  You descent 103 m, by elevator or by stairs through an enormous hole. After a short walk you embark on a boat trip along the subterraneous river.  Then you walk from one amazing "salle" and "lac" to another.  You can combine a visit to these caves with a visit to 

Rocamadour, France's second pilgrimage place after Lourdes.  It is on the Compostella route and well worth a visit.  The best view on the village is from l'Hospitalet.  Here is also the entrance to the "Grotte des Merveilles".  You can enjoy a bird show on the "Rocher des Aigles", or pay a visit to one of the goats farms (Rocamadour is a "AOC" for the small local goats cheese) or take a walk along the Alzou.

The "Grotte de Peche Merle" offers you prehistoric paintings and majestic galleries and caves.  Entrance is limited and on reservation only.

Another Mediaeval town you must visit is Figeac.  It is the birthplace of J-J Champollion, the one who decrypted the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta stone.  A large copy of the stone is exposed behind the "Musée Champollion - Les Ecritures du Monde".  The museum displays many important data on all languages from all over the world.

Visit the award winning winery "Château Famaey", which has Flemish owners, and of course have a tasting.  Then continue with a tour in the Cahors vineyards.

Visit the "Château de Cénevières" where the 96-year old Marquis and owner guides you through his centuries old family history.   Or drive to the border of the Lot and the Lot-et-Garonne and visit the "Château de Bonaguil".

Pay a visit to the valley of the Dordogne in the north of the department and the "Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux".

Discover Les Arques and enjoy the fine sculptures of Ossip Zadkine in the small museum that was named after him.  A short and easy but very interesting walk guides you to through marsh in the valley of "la Masse".

Numerous walking - and cyclingpaths along the river or through the hills await you.  The "Circuit des Arts" walk can be started from Maison Les Fraysses and rewards you with the most stunning views over the valley of the Lot.  "Les P'tits Vélos' has electric bikes to rent.  Both walking- and cycling maps are at your disposal at Maison Les Fraysses.

To admire the beautifill and quiet Célé you can hire a kayak.   Depending on how much time this takes, you can further discover the valley afterwards.  Visit the ruines of the abbey of Marcilhac-sur-Célé, the village of Espagnac-Sainte-Eulalie or Cabreret.

But why shouldn't you spend a quiet afternoon at the swimming pool, with a good book from our modest library and a glass of wine at hand?